Out the door at 5am this morning to catch the first sunrise of the trip. It’s always a treat to get out on the ramp at pre-dawn and catch that early light on some great one of a kind airplanes.

One of only three Super Corsairs flying – Both of them flew in the original Cleveland Air Races back in the 50’s before the races moved out here to Reno. This plane was originally created with a special engine that was able to chase down Japanese Zero’s in the pacific.

A special treat even though it is not competing this year.

As I said – color everywhere – a fun place to shoot.

Even the port-a-potties are color coded. A fun time with great friends and lots of hard work (5am to 7pm) but you don’t notice it. It’s always a learning experience when you get to hang out and shoot with friends like Bill Fortney and Mike Anskat

Bill and Bill by Mike Anskat

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