If you read my previous post you know the importance of having the ball in the photo. That said – to really cover an event you have to enhance those great action shots with expressions and jubilation to give a complete flavor of what goes on.

Facial expressions!
Some of the players are really facially animated and when you run into that – it offers another opportunity to enhance the coverage.

Some players are just “animated” and sometimes it’s the result of the intensity of the match. Being prepared to capture that will make your coverage better.

I shot one match where the player threw her racket at the end of each match. I had seen her do it but missed it a couple of times. Knowing that was likely to happen – helped me be prepared to capture it the next time I shot her.

I’m off to Reno for the annual Air Races. Again just as a photographer and not hindered by having other work to do.
More later!